Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A journey into meditation....

Meditation always amazes me because just the thought of doing it makes me admire people and I knew that I would't manage to do it myself. I always have an impression that it needs so much concentration which I have very low tolerance level. But thanks to facebook because I discovered Dr. Chopra and through his updates I got this website of his daughter Mallika Chopra. It's something I have been looking for, which puts meditation easy to do. There is an on-line course on meditation with Mallika and I decided to try it. 

According to her: Though there is no set time on how slowly or how quickly you go through each lesson, we recommend that you space out three days between each lesson so you can fully commit to the core meditation and mindfulness practice contained in each lesson before moving onto the next one. I intend to do it following the 3-day space and too keep the link, I am posting it here so that I can quickly go back to the site and browse. 

I plan to keep the journal here as i take another journey to the road less traveled. 

Lesson 1: What is Meditation? 
Dedicating yourself to a regular meditation practice truly has the power to completely transform your life.
Journal entry: my personal reasons for meditating is to gain the following benefits:
Mental: reduced stress and anxiety, greater sense of relaxation and inner peace
Physical: decreased muscle fatigue and tension
Spiritual: greater sense of self-awareness

I had difficulty paying attention to what i was experiencing, the noise around me. I cannot divert myself away from the usual thoughts I have. But i know that it will take constant practice to get myself used to it. 

Lesson 2: The Basics of Meditation
Meditation de-clutters your mind of counterproductive thoughts so that more space is created for happiness, inner peace and a joy for living.
Journal entry: what I always dreaded for practicing meditation happened tonight. Following the instructions in lesson 2, I had a hard time listening to the sound of silence. But I will try to make it a habit everyday until I reached the stage of detaching myself from my own thoughts and reconnecting to silence.

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