It was a good point to reflect on what Fr. Richard had said, what motivates you to work in Caritas? and as a reflection, I have to ask myself what was the deciding factor for me for taking this post with Caritas, is it the nature of the organization or the job. Before leaving the Philippines, they were both the motivating factors for choosing Caritas. For some reasons, I have not been active in church although from time to time I would help in some aspects whenever I am needed in my parish. Just before I left the Philippines, I was rushing a task assigned to me since I have been doing it for the church many years back and to take advantage of it, I have to complete the work before flying to Zambia. It was good to hear from the priest the appreciation over the task completed because really I spent many late nights sleep just to complete the work rather than spending it with my family, relatives and friends since I will be out for a period of two years.
Jokingly, I was telling my priest friend that God is putting me on the right direction; maybe I would be going to continue my duties and obligations as a Catholic. Several times due to some circumstances in my life, I have to question God’s decisions over the things happening in my life. At certain point, I have doubted God because despite all the efforts exerted to faithfully perform my duties and obligations as a Catholic, things never happen the way I have prayed and wanted. Although, there are always awakening points that would remind me how God loves me and true enough, I just have to look at the brighter side of things.
My being in Caritas strengthened my faith. God led me to this organization because I have a mission in this organization and in Zambia. It is good to be in a place I called “I belong” as a Catholic; there is no reason for me to skip the Holy Eucharist every Sunday and perform my other duties as a Catholic. The short interaction I have with the Fathers in Chipata, made me realize many things. There may be differences from the Fathers back home but I surely admire the simple lifestyle of the Parish, their commitment and zeal of faith. These things I have shared with my friends with a prayer that I hope my first impression lasts. My mission in Caritas is to serve the people of Zambia in my own little way through sharing my skills in order to change lives. Leaving behind my family, relatives and friends and the comforts of home are great sacrifices I took. Being in Caritas is a mutual benefit, I share my knowledge and skills in development work and in return, I learn from the people and culture, and it strengthens my faith.
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