Hanging around with fellow Filipino volunteers is one of the things that keep me occupied in Ha Noi. It always feels good to be with people who can relate to you and whom you can relate to when it comes to life and living as development worker in another country. One evening, after dinner, we thought of spending more time with each other but wondering what else to do apart from chatting. In Ha Noi, we've heard of this 17 Cowboys with Filipino band performing live in this bar. So, without any plan we decided to give it a try. Indeed it was a Filipino band playing and I would say because of these Filipino singers, the place has become a popular hang-out for expats, well, not all but at least those who like live music.
That evening started it all. We introduced ourselves to the members of the band, a normal thing to do whenever you meet Filipinos. After that one weekend, the visit to 17 cowboys became a regular weekend trip. The drinks are expensive but it was worth the joy we get from listening to Filipinos singing live, especially that I am able to request my favorite waka-waka by Shakira. We have become regular customers that whenever we arrive, Girlie would greet us on stage. Her famous, welcome to 'ates' Aydel, Nancy, Bec, 'kuyas' Allan and Rex. Also, we get free beers courtesy of Shaira and Girlie. They are entitled to 2 drinks per night; however, we still end up taking more than the free drinks.
The band called Sound Check Band was performing in Padi's Point- Baguio back in the Philippines. Their members are: Jonjon (drummer), Louie (guitarist), Gabbie (bass guitarist), _Dennis (keyboard), Jerheel, Shaira and Girlie (vocalists).
Knowing the life of the members of the band, well, not at all but at least how they are living as band members in Ha Noi is a humbling experience. I won't be elaborating it here but when you meet people like them, it always reminds me to be thankful for all the blessings I have and not to complain about life. The two girls expressed to us their joy in meeting and knowing us. Through us, they were able to move around Ha Noi and see the major tourist areas in Ha Noi. For a day, we served as their tourist guide. According to them, they met some Filipinos but not like us who were so warm and welcoming to them. For 5 months, they didn't have the chance to move around the city except to buy personal stuff in a mall near their apartment. Once, the two girls spent the night in my small house just to relax, enjoy and listen to their life stories. Each of them has their own story to tell but one thing is clear, no matter the distance, they were in Ha Noi to give a good life to their loved ones back home.
I was happy that somehow in a short period of time, because we only met them just a month before they left as their contract has ended, I was able to contribute to their joy and worthwhile stay in Viet Nam.
(Photo: Left: Shaira, Girlie, Me and Allan; Right: Rex, Nancy and Bec)